Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Run-off Elections and Political Parties

I believe that run-off elections would be a perfect way to settle disputes in all democratic republics, especially on votes deciding who heads the executive. It would be the most democratic way of electing presidents, by making certain that the candidate elected has some degree of legitimacy. If you look at the 2000 elections, many people were upset at the outcome because they saw the election as being illegitimate. Democrats cried foul at Ralph Nader since he took away crucial votes that would have definitely put Gore ahead of Bush, and how mess in Florida was handled.

The only problem is that we, as American's might not ever have to see a run-off election due to our deeply ingrained two party system.

The two party system is very undemocratic. What the Democrats and Republicans have accomplished is an increasingly bipolar political climate that successfully blocks the advancement of third parties. It is undemocratic because it isn't fully representative of the wide range of political attitudes, and ideology that can be found in America. I, for example, have an increasingly tough time voting because I'm not a clear cut Republican or Democrat.

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