Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I'm Alex, and my first impression of the first class that this might actually be somewhat enjoyable since I enjoy discussions. However, I must contend my dislike for politics. In fact I absolutely detest the modern day politics.

The first reading did give me a sense of comparison. Unlike other constitutions, ours doesn't mention any social or economic protections. For instance, many constitutions around the world garuntee everyone opportunity to good health, which is normally accompanied by some kind of health care system that is accessible to all of its citizens. Perhaps this could explain why our country lags behind so many others in welfare, even though we are the richest nation in the world, and why we have greater levels of income inequality. However, this shouldn't be surprising because our country was founded under the political-economic ideology of republicanism.

There are also some issues I have with the book. For instance it assumed that the immigrants entering into the US were welcomed, which is a falsehood. It also made a couple of comparisons between the US and Poland, which I found not accurate.

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